Bowling Green, Kentucky
Bowling Green is the 3rd most populous city (after Louisville and Lexington) in Kentucky and the county seat of Warren County. It is a thriving city that ideally combines history with the contemporary and has been awarded by the National Trust for Historic Preservation with the prestigious Dozen Distinctive Destination. One of its most important attractions is the huge GM Corvette Assembly Plant; if you are driving a Corvette, it came from this plant. Overall, Bowling Green is closely connected with motors and attracts thousands of motor enthusiasts. While in Bowling Green, we suggest you visit the National Corvette Museum, Beech Bend Raceway, Beech Bend Park & Splash Lagoon, the Historic Railpark and Train Museum, the Aviation Heritage Park, the Fountain Square Park, etc. Regardless of age and expectations, Bowling Green will surely offer you plenty of unforgettable moments. Finding quality budget accommodation won’t be a problem; there are quite a few excellent and nearby Bowling Green that provide fantastic rooms for under $90 per night.