Big Sky, Montana
Big Sky is a small unincorporated community in Madison and Gallatin Counties, SW Montana. Despite its small size, it is a first class tourist destination for all nature enthusiasts and Montana nature fans. The wider natural area is absolutely stunning. Here, you will have the opportunity to observe a large number of wild species, such as black and grizzlies bears, wolves, elks, deer, upland birds, etc. Do mind though that hunting is not allowed in Big Sky, MT. A few of the top Big Sky outdoors & recreational attractions include the Ousel Falls Trail, Lone Peak, Beehive Basin Trail, Lava Lake Trail. Also, it is worth mentioning that there are many organized whitewater rafting, horseback riding, fishing tours available throughout the year. Regarding budget accommodation, there are more than 45 and nearby Big Sky, MT. Nevertheless, if you have a rather generous budget and want to live an exceptionally unforgettable Montana ranch accommodation experience, we suggest you stay at the Lone Mountain Ranch.